Thursday 7 February 2013

Existing educational websites for children

I am going to start my idea of an educational website by looking at existing educational websites and getting ideas and critiquing what I don't like.
The first thing that struck me about this website was how colourful it is. I think yellow is a good option on a homepage for an educational website for children. At first it wakes them up and colour is more appealing for them. A negative comment is that I think there is almost too much going on, I think it needs to be simpler for children to be interested in it. I don't really like the layout either, I think it's messy and all over the place. I don't know where to start myself. Although there is a good mixture of things for children to do on the website.
I have chosen to look at this website as it's about the world and my own website will be educational on the world and the global village. I prefer this website because I find the layout more organised. The colour scheme links with what the website is about. The font is kept the same which makes it easier to follow. There also isn't an overload of images and I think children are less likely to click away from this website than the previous one.

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