Monday 4 February 2013

Marshall McLuhan

'The World is a Global Village' and 'The Medium is the Message'
The Global Village is Marshall McLuhan's idea that we are in a single community dominated by the media. This explains how we communicate across the world as one person can be in one part of the world and see what someone else is doing on another part of the world in real-life. Also we can experience things before we've done them through electronic media like going on safari in Kenya.
The Medium Is The Message was another idea of his that media creates the message. Both theories by McLuhan are important because he published these theories before the world became this way.

The theory I want to explore of his, is 'The World is a Global Village.' I find the whole idea of how we can speak to other people on other sides of the world fascinating. For example, when people go on holiday we can still keep in contact with them so there is no such thing as ‘goodbye’ anymore. Also how we know about other countries before visiting them is interesting as we have pre-set ideas of what places will be like. When really this isn’t how it should be. I also am intrigued by continents without technology, like Africa and Asia, they have no idea what England is like yet we are fortunate to know through the web.


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